Who Cares He Cares!

I was driving into work this morning on I-40 and looked up to the sky at some clouds and I felt aware of God's presence. Have you ever done that? It amazes me how nature is the quickest trigger linking my emotions to our Creator.

It amazes me how small I am in the universe, yet how God reveals himself even to me.

My thoughts wondered to 6yo Beatrice with TB in Marurui,Nairobi,Kenya. How miraculous it was to have her been seen by a doctor that cared so much, he actually listened and become an advocate for her. This led to a diagnosis and treatment in a clinic, after months of my friend Brenda Kean, trying to solve the problem at another clinic: Beatrice, coughing, not feeling well often. She weighs 25# at 6 yo of age. It truly was a moment to feel aware of God's presence

God provided for Beatrice. It was all Him, there is just no other explanation. And you know what? She is one of millions of children suffering. But God saw her!

Do you ever feel like your problems are just not big enough for God? Or maybe God is too busy, or doesn't really care. Don't be decieved, remember Beatrice.

Oh, How he love us!
Loves us all!


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