
Showing posts from August, 2009

10 Days Home

Today is my 10th day home. I have never counted the days I am home after a trip before. Why am I doing that? Maybe it's because I keep thinking tomorrow will be enough days home that I will feel "normal" again. So far, in the realm of "normal" tomorrow hasn't come. Having friends in Kenya for several years now I felt as though my heart was there with them. But after spending 14 days there a bigger piece of my heart was definitely left behind. The word reconcile keeps coming up in my head and in my conversation. How do I reconcile what I have just experienced with my everyday life here? "Here" in what now seems somewhat foreign yet at the sametime is my home. "Here" where if I am honest I just want to pick up what I normally do day to day and not really think about those precious faces of woman sewing with Jacaranda Ministry or of Janetta, "my" hospice lady or "my" sweet slum family, (Virgina, Shiko, Mary, Penny,