
Showing posts from April 25, 2011

The Whole Hearted

Transitioning to a new role as a nurse I attended a health coach training. There I was exposed to a speaker by the name of Brene Brown, she spoke on connnectedness and vulnerabilty. Brene is a social worker turned reseacher setting herself on a journey to "cure" lack of connectedness. Guess what she learned? "VULNERABILITY: The Core of Relationship" Here is the deal, people who had more of sense of connectedness did not necessarily have less struggles. Instead she named this group of people "The Whole Hearted". Because these individuals had a strong sense of "worthiness". There are 4 strong characteristics of The Whole Hearted defining the worthiness they feel. 1. Courage: "Cour" latin word meaning who you are with your whole heart 2. Compassion: Treat yourself kind. If you can't treat yourself kind, how can you be truly kind to others? 3. Authenticity: Those who let themselves be seen loves greater 4. Vulnerab