
If you ever have the chance to go on Safari you should. Don't talk yourself out of it because of money or time. If you know you are going to a place like Africa start saving you pennies now.

Monday we left for two days in the Masai Mara. That is where the Masai Tribe lives...or at least a lot of them. The are the really tall, dark African's that wear a lot of earrings and jewelry. They also wrap themselves in beautifully colored cloths, mostly reds. Red scares the lions.

Yep... the Mara...were you can ride in a van or jeep, stand up with you head out of the roof looking for wild animals. The scenery is beautiful. For me, it was an awesome feeling being so close to nature. Even though it is extremely bumpy, (my left arm is bruised from bumping against the jeep) I found is exciting and relaxing. A chance to take in creation in its natural setting and a chance to not think about much of anything. Except were those lions going to succeed at killing those water buffalo? It was cool to watch the lions at work. Tell you about it at home!

We also saw a leopard in a tree. Sat and watched for a long time. Apparently is it more rare to actually see a leopard. He was stealth and strong. We saw giraffe, elephants (several cute), zebra's, gizelle's, tobi's, wildebeasts, warthogs and more. Another rare find was to actually get to see some lion cubs. Our driver pulled us close for us to see. Jessica and Kaitlyn squealed in delight which caught momma lion's attention and see growled right at them...which made them scream, which made Momma roar and driver correct the girls to be silent. We have had a good time laughing, but really the best advice on Safari is to be very, very quiet.

We have some great pictures. I look forward to sharing them. Altho I learned do not buy batteries in Africa...they all die in 2 minutes. We missed some great pictures too!

Just remember, Africa means Safari! Also, safari meant hot baths!!! We all enjoyed that. Esp. since being home (Kean's house) we again have little water and no hot shower water. Pray for rain in Kenya!

I hope one day to come back with some of you for a missions trip to serve and love on these sweet people and to go on Safari again!


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